Influencer Orchestration Network

Ayzenberg Brand Soulmates

Gen Z Prefers Peers Over Celebrities, Quality Over Brand Names

Gen Z Prefers Peers Over Celebrities, Quality Over Brand Names

Today's young consumers aren't impressed with fancy gimmicks.
Finding The Perfect Influencer Goes Beyond Whitelisting

Finding The Perfect Influencer Goes Beyond Whitelisting

The quest for a brand soulmate goes far beyond what they "don't" do
Here’s Why Facebook Is Worth The Investment

Here’s Why Facebook Is Worth The Investment

Popular doesn't always mean the best; see how this social media giant's earned media value REALLY stacks up
Influencers May ‘See More’ Thanks To Instagram Stories

Influencers May ‘See More’ Thanks To Instagram Stories

Instagram's new features are useful for everyone but they also open particular new avenues for influencer marketing on the platform.
Sharing Facebook News The Influencer Way

Sharing Facebook News The Influencer Way

Celebrity marketing is on the rise, but who should represent your brand?