Influencer Orchestration Network

AI-driven matching technology for brands, influencers and audiences.

We are currently activating over half a million influencers worldwide across every social media channel for Fortune 1000 companies looking to build a stronger brand.

We use the technology to discover the best influencers for your brand within all six audience tiers of content creators. We are currently activating over half a million influencers worldwide across every social media channel for Fortune 1000 companies looking to build a stronger brand.

Drawing upon nearly a quarter century of brand management and decades of experience in marketing technology, we’ve created an optimized matching platform for brands and influencers. We apply hundreds of data attributes to identify dozens of parallels to personify your brand’s story in order to match it with your brand’s story. is then used to apply this data to determine the best results. And that’s just the beginning.

Our talent managers verify all the results, starting with an assessment of marketing goals you’ve established for your brand. They then work with you to produce a creative brief that allows influencers to speak in their native voices while promoting your brand. Our talent experts use the companion workflow system, soulmates IRM, to manage hundreds or even thousands of influencers in a campaign with ease, guiding recruiting, approval, content production and amplification from one central system.

By on-boarding influencers who already sync perfectly with your brand and its unique attributes, we make the process into a highly successful “first date” right from the beginning. We leverage in combination with our superior talent management and tools to optimize influencers’ creative executions, timing, and opportunities so that they can become perfect influencers to help socialize your brand with your target audiences.

With a single-digit “divorce rate,” our team helps create successful “marriages” between your brand and social media creators who can create and share your brand stories not just as one-off projects but for the life of your brand. For more information, sign up for a demo.